Mindless ramblings

Occaisonal work re-posts, photos, running, interesting links, projects

05 Nov 2020

Financial Services Organizations Need to Adapt their Security Practices to the Shifting Environment

Companies and organizations, whether in the public or in the private sector, are re-establishing their business in the era of information and data revolution. Labelled Industry 4.0, businesses are taking advantage of digital technologies like cloud, mobile, and IoT to digitally transform their operations. Even “traditional banks” seek to drive more revenue from digital products, personalized services and experiences. At the same time, financial services organizations need to adapt to a shifting global environment. The COVID-19 pandemic has urged all enterprises to alter their business and security models to support work-from-home practices.

07 May 2019

How Encryption Became The Board’s New Best Friend

For many years, encryption has been viewed as a burden on businesses – expensive, complex and of questionable value. How things have changed. In just the past few years (and hundreds of high-profile breaches and £Trillions of economic damage later), cyber threats became impossible for the boardroom to ignore.

04 Dec 2015

Wetherspoons breach - It's not just about the card numbers

Although it is reported that “very limited” credit and debit card information was accessed in the Wetherspoons breach, it is of no less significant concern that personal details including names and email addresses may have been stolen. In fact, theft of card details is relatively easy to ‘deal with’ – they can be blocked and replaced. It’s the other – seemingly innocuous – information that can pose a bigger problem.

02 Dec 2015

Keys to the "Concrete Jungle" – from skilled locksmiths to skilled cryptographers

We learned a few weeks ago that master keys for every elevator in New York, from skyscrapers to subways to construction sites, had been copied and leaked, and are now being freely sold online. Let’s hope the image used in that article isn’t of the actual key, else we’ll have an even bigger problem on our hands - thanks to a news piece on baggage handling from last year, replica TSA keys (that open every modern suitcase) have now been 3D printed using leaked photographs of the keys.